Composition | 2018 - present
Songs from the Body
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Songs from the Body, a collection of songs composed for voice and movement, marks the development of Kate’s Embodied Voice practice from the realm of improvisation into the field of composition.
Inspired by the rhythm, geometry, and energy of nature, Kate’s compositions emerge from movements of the body and the integration of choreography and voice. Hence, Songs from the Body encapsulates a range of pieces which bring space, voice, electronics, performer and audience into new and surprising relationships. Often distributed amongst multiple singers and shifting throughout the space, the music creates a spatial-sonic environment where voice pulsates, jumps, transfers, and merges in unusual confluences. Traversing from melody to sonic textures, dancing between song and landscape, these pieces toe the line between music, dance, and theatre, constantly subverting and delighting expectations.

Songs from the Body EP
In October 2023, Kate released her first EP, sharing 4 songs from the Songs from the Body collection. The EP offers another entry-way into the world of voice and movement. Weaving in field recordings and electronics, expertly produced by David Ridley, the tracks take on new dimensions, immersing the listener in an other-worldly journey, strange and entrancing.
released October 27, 2023
Lullabies, Triptych: Hold Yourself
Lullabies, Triptych: There Are Ways
Lullabies, Triptych: Your Tears Will Dry
Lullabies, Triptych
Kate Smith, composer & vocals
Ben See, additional vocals
Dominic Stitchbury, additional vocals
David Ridley, producer
Giles Barrett, Lightship Studios, mastering
Visuals by Dan Knight and Verónica Chacón
Photography by Tom Medwell
Released on Lalala Records
“A gorgeous EP…the whole thing is marvellous.”
— Rick Stuart, Roots & Fusion

EP Release Live Performance
The EP Songs from the Body was brought to life in an immersive performance at St John’s Hoxton in London on October 28th, 2023. Sung by a roster of 12 singers, with a stunning opening set for piano and field recordings from pianist/composer Filipe Sousa, the evening was a resounding affirmation of the human voice.
To see the full programme, click here.
The performance was funded by the generous support of Help Musicians, as well as individual donors to my fundraising campaign. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it possible!
Audience Responses
“An absolute masterpiece ”
“A tremendous success… not just as an aesthetic experience to inhabit as an audience but as an experience of working process and creative community building”
“One of the most unique, mesmerizing, and haunting gigs I’ve ever been to”
“Anemone”, performed live October 28th, 2023
Composer - Kate Smith
Singers - Elly Condron, Natty Pela, Rosalie M Warner, Lydia Samuels, Kate Smith
Video - Hatem Kiwan of Vita Productions
“Seeds” performed live October 28th, 2023
Composer - Kate Smith
Singers - Kate Smith, Jaka Škapin, Dimitri Kastellanides, David Ridley, Rosalie Warner, Lydia Samuels, Dominie Hooper
Video - Hatem Kiwan of Vita Productions
Over the Years
“Songs from the Body” as a title refers to a collection of songs composed for voice and movement. The songs have emerged into the world - in different constellations - as an EP, as live performance, and as sharings of works-in-progress.
There is No Centre, work-in-progress - YOLK, @ The Old Church, March 2024
Songs from the Body (Lullabies, Triptych ; Seeds ; Anemone ; Forest Church) - St. John’s Hoxton, October 2023
Seeds - YOLK, @ The Old Church, March 2023
Voz Unbound (Lullabies, Triptych ; Seeds ; Forest Church) - Quartel, Largo Residencias, February 2023
Lullabies, Triptych - YOLK @ The Old Church, March 2022
Forest Church - Isodea Festival 2022
Research & Development
Vilarcangel Artists Residency - April 2023
Hawkwood - June, 2021
London College of Communications RnD - January 2020
The Embodied Voice Choir - Fall 2019
Artmonastery Artists Residency - Fall 2018
Trailer of “Lullabies, Triptych”, performed by YOLK in March 2022 at The Old Church
“Rarely have I felt so uplifted or so musically entranced”
Excerpts from live performance of work-in-progress “There Is No Centre”, sung by YOLK in March 2024
Live performance video of “Seeds”, performed by YOLK in March 2023 at The Old Church
“That was the best thing I’ve seen in years”