Performer - Leader | 2013

Songs from the Labyrinth


A cast of voices, grand piano, multiple flutes and aerial acrobatics bring to life master composers from Renaissance to French impressionism and beyond in the hidden recesses of a converted factory at Beijing’s famous 798 Art District.

Lose yourself in a sumptuous, haunting journey of melancholy and rapture.

Music by Bartok, Debussy, Faure, Gesualdo, Handel, Messiaen, Ravel, Respighi, and Stravinsky.

Performed by Kate Smith, Alan Lee, Bruce Gremo, Denny Xu, Debbie Van-Ginkel, and Nine Gates Polyphony.

This event is held in collaboration with Alpha Partners Education. Proceeds from a silent auction of children’s art on display will go to the Chi-Heng Foundation to fund education and care programs for children across China affected by HIV/AIDS.


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