Composer - Performer - Leader | 2023
Voz Unbound
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Visceral, intimate, immersive - voice - as you’ve never experienced it before…
An evening of new music for voice, movement and electronics, from composer and vocalist Kate Smith, as part of the release of her new EP Songs from the Body
Supported by Circular Vozes and Filipe Sousa, with Visuals by Luciano B Cieza
An evening of music foregrounding the human voice, channeled and moved through the body in space, with electronics from Filipe Sousa, visuals by Luciano B Cieza and support from Circular Vozes.
Often distributed amongst multiple singers and shifting throughout the space, the music establishes a spatial-sonic environment where voice pulsates, jumps, transfers, and merges in unusual confluences. Traversing from melody to sonic textures, dancing between song and landscape, these pieces toe the line between music, dance, and theatre, constantly subverting and delighting expectations.
Performed on February 11th, 2023 at Largo Residências in Lisbon, Portugal
Photography by Luis Soeiro
“That was the best thing I’ve seen in years”
– audience member at Isodea Festival, Lisbon May 2022 (about Forest Church)