Composition | 2022 - present
YOLK Collective
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Yolk is a collective of composers for voice hailing from diverse musical & cultural backgrounds. We are interested in creating work that explore duration, space, participation, improvisation & embodiment.
Begun and managed by Kate Smith since 2018, we meet several times a year in LAB formats, where we provide time and space to workshop each other’s works-in-progress. Each member of the collective offers their time, expertise, and support to the others, by singing each others’ work, providing feedback, and sharing creative practice. Our aim is to provide a collaborative model for composition, as a way for vocal artists to accelerate their creative development by taking more risks, being more vulnerable & testing the compositional power of group improv spaces.
Since 2022 we have also organized relaxed sharings of works-in-progress by our members, hosted by The Old Church Stoke Newington. Our sharings are accessible, multi-generational, and provide a safe space for experimentation in regards to movement, audience participation, and improvisation.
“What a joyous sharing of your collective work. I have spent thousands of hours in rehearsal and performance and rarely have I felt so uplifted or so musically entranced”
– audience member at YOLK, Old Church March 2022